
Bullet Hell game fans rejoice, Cave’s DeathSmiles has arrived for Android

Cave is a company that makes some of the great and most challenging Bullet Hell style shooters that you would want to play. They already have a couple of them published onto Google Play through G-Gee and now there is one more you can sink your teeth into while you wait for Sine Mora to arrive onto Android called DeathSmiles. It somehow managed to sneak by us having arrived on July 17th, 2013.


Spacetime Games officially launches Battle Dragons on a worldwide scale

As many of our regular readers know, we’ve been giving out early access to Spacetime Games’ (formerly Spacetime Studios) newest title called Battle Dragons. This game hit the Google Play store as a limited soft launch with residents of only a few countries being the only people able to download the game from Google Play. Well now this soft launch testing phase is over an Battle Dragons has been officially launched worldwide for everyone.


Games Workshops’ next title will be the classic board game Chainsaw Warrior

Games Workshop is a company known for a few big franchises that have been around for awhile and have graced a variety of platforms including physical games. We now have some of their games making the journey to mobile as well with one of the most recent titles to come from the Games Workshop catalog being Talisman Prologue. Well you can look forward to another board game coming your way soon called Chainsaw Warrior.


Kerosene Games releases Bounty Arms early onto Google Play

While a lot of Android gamers have been waiting for Kerosene Games and Open-Reset’s side-scrolling action game Bounty Arms to arrive onto Android since we started covering it heading our way over a year ago, the game has seen its fair share of delays and long development time. Last week we reported that the game would finally be launching onto Android on July 26th, 2013 but in an ironic twist of fate, Bounty Arms actually got released earlier than planned.