
Contra Evolution will be making its way to Android soon

While of the more popular platform shooters from back in the day has been the Contra series of games. CocoaChina/Chukong have secured the rights to publish the game worldwide from Konami, making this the first fully licensed mobile version on a Contra game. Contra Evolution has been out since January in China but now that the rights to publish worldwide have been secured it will be coming to the US soon.


Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs Live game will give you a chance to win a car

Ubisoft’s companion app for their Watch Dogs game has essentially been turned into a game itself. Technically this is more of a game than an app although it really is a bit of both. Regardless of what exactly this application now is, Watch Dogs Live has undergone a soft launch in Canada to do some final testing before it launches worldwide. When that happens, if you’re at the top of the leaderboard when the game end, you’ll win a car.


An upcoming update for the TwitchTV app will bring the Follow feature along with it

TwitchTV’s application on Google Play will soon be getting an update that will allow you to follow your favorite streamers that you like to watch. It has been well stated that the application has been missing a few key features that users would have liked to have seen when it originally launched and hopefully this is the beginning of bringing some of those features to the app.