
PlayJam’s GameStick delayed until August due to its UI development

PlayJam’s GameStick Android-powered portable game console happens to be one of the rather popular devices in this new category of Android gaming. Having had a successful Kickstarter campaign, plenty of positive feedback from the community and a redesign of the unit itself, it has come a long way from being just a concept. While the device was slated to launch this Summer, close to when Ouya would officially be released as well, PlayJam has announced that the unit’s launch has been delayed by a short bit.


Hero of Many Review – An abstract, beautiful and captivating underwater atmospheric adventure game

When I first saw the trailer for Hero of Many about a month ago, a debut game from Czech-based Trickster Arts, I knew it was going to be a special game. The art style and soundtrack seemed to gel really well, and the gameplay seemed intriguing to say the least. Now, fast forward a month, I’ve completed the game and I must say it has been a delightful experience playing this.


Humble Bundle for Android 6 has arrived with seven games available

A little over a week ago we had hunted down some evidence that a Humble Bundle for Android would be arriving this month. We didn’t know exactly when this month it would arrive, only that it would be here and it would feature a game called Frozen Synapse. Well it looks like we are two for two on figuring out when a Humble Bundle for Android is on the way because the new one has now gone live.


Upcoming tactical warfare game Breach & Clear won’t be free-to-play like originally planned

News like this doesn’t happen often these days and actually it is usually the opposite when it comes to a game developer changing their business model for their upcoming game. Usually we have to report that a game originally planned as a paid game has gone to the free-to-play model. However today we get to report some very good news regarding Robert Bowling’s upcoming tactical warfare game Breach & Clear.