
Super Hexagon Review – A devilishly hard game that’s not meant for the faint-hearted

Terry Cavanagh is known for coming up with brilliantly designed (not to mention devilishly challenging) games. His latest one – Super Hexagon – is a masterpiece. The game redefines the definition of “tough as nails” for Android games – be warned that this is not meant for the faint-hearted. So just what exactly is so great about this game? Read on to find out.


Sony officially announces their new very thin quad-core Xperia Tablet Z

The world of tech blogs seems to be rather excited today as a few rumors and announcements have happened with one of the main ones coming from Sony who officially announced (or confirmed depending on how you look at it) their upcoming quad-core, and ultra thing, Xperia Tablet Z. While we still get to deal with one letter names, at least now we can tack on the Xperia brand name on there as well.


Tupsu – The Furry Little Monster has the most useful eyeballs we’ve ever seen

Tupsu- The Furry Little Monster is a game we mentioned in our most recent Under the Radar series and is currently up for vote in the newest Game of the Week poll going on right now. Tupsu is, you guessed it, a furry little monster but instead of arms, he has very handy tentacles.  Wait, can I call them handy if the tentacles only have eyes at the ends? Anyway he uses these tentacles to pull him along through different environments.