
The MOGA mobile gaming system hitting store shelves today

One of a few upcoming game controllers a lot of people have been looking forward to getting is the MOGA mobile gaming system. Well the good news today for those of you waiting is that the waiting is actually over. The MOGA will be hitting the shelves at Toys R’ Us and Best Buy starting today as well as Fred Meyer and Gamestop. For those of you more apt to shopping online, you can also pick the MOGA up off of Amazon and PowerA’s website.


DroidGamers: Games we’ve been playing this week 10/14- 10/20

Like a middle child, mobile games are constantly vying for our attention. Every week a new crop of games prop themselves on our desk and demands to be played. So we humbly present “Game’s We’re Playing This Week”, a weekly reflection on outstanding games that deserves longer than your average bathroom romp. Every week members of our staff will sift through the best Android games, new or old, basically any games they’ve been playing relentlessly throughout the week.


Looking for another TCG to play? How about one with Samurai Cats?

A rather big company named Marvel released a TCG title yesterday called Marvel War of Heroes, but if that isn’t your type of thing then perhaps cats are instead. They are not normal cats though, they are Samurai Cats. Released onto the Mobage social gaming platform, Samurai Cats is as it sounds, a TCG title filled with cats wielding swords and attacking enemies, in TCG gaming format of course. However, you can for groups and formations with your cards, almost like a strategy board game.


[Updated] Dungeon Defenders from Trendy Entertainment disappears from Google Play

It is no secret that Trendy Entertainment have been really focused for awhile now on Dungeon Defenders for Steam and consoles, with the mobile versions getting very minimal updates and very little content updates. Well we are not exactly sure when this happened, although we do know it happened fairly recently, but Dungeon Defenders has disappeared off of the Google Play store. This goes for both of the Dungeon Defenders games.


Garfield gets a new game for Android, this time in Hawaii

Garfield and his friends already have two games out on Android, the defense style games called Garfield’s Defense and the time management game Garfield’ Diner. Now Web Prancer has released a third title onto Google Play called Garfield’s Diner Hawaii and, as you may be guessing, is similar to the original Garfield’s Diner but this time the action takes place in Hawaii.