
Splashtop HD and Splashtop GamePad THD on sale for $4.99

Everyone loves a sale and when it is about games or gaming, we like to think we are all over them as much as possible. However, once in awhile we miss spotting one here and there. Thankfully other sites spot these ones like today’s rather huge sale on both Splashtop Remote Desktop HD and Splashtop GamePad THD which are both on sale for $4.99.


The Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 may be the ideal tablet for you

There was a time when just about any brand name Android tablet would be priced ridiculously high. Manufacturers believed for one reason or another customers would pay $500+ for an Android tablet just because it worked for the iPad. They of course, were wrong. Android tablet pricing is at a race to the bottom and Amazon is in the lead. Perhaps Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 will become a close second?