
Force Of Attraction

While looking through the market for new games to try out I came across one called Force of Attraction or FoA for short which is developed by Milleson. This is a neat little platform game where you control your guy, completing each stage by figuring out the correct way to get to the key you need before you can unlock the door and progress to the next stage.


Bluff Dice Drinking Game

So far I haven’t really seen a drinking game available for Android that has actually peaked my interest enough to download it and play. However a game called Bluff Dice caught my eye and after downloading it and playing, it’s actually fairly entertaining. Bluff Dice, developed by Net Mobile AG, is sort of a cross between poker style bluffing and Yatzee.


Shoot Your Friends in Shoot U!

Shoot U! is a great physics drawing game by Camel Games which makes you draw various shapes before to accomplish your goal each stage. What is the goal? To shoot the little guy in each stage and make him land in some fashion on the star. While sounding simple it quickly gets difficult to pull off getting the little guy to the star. Now you can shoot your friends!


Gameloft’s New DRM Policy

Well it seems the huge outcry over Gameloft’s DRM policy hasn’t fallen on deaf ears as Phandroid is reporting that, via Dave Loft (Mr. Gameloft tipster himself), that they have announced a change to their DRM policy. The change states that users are now allowed to re-download games purchased through their website although it’ll take some time to implement this.


Welcome to Hell Released!

Dvide Arts recently put their full 3D RPG game Crusade of Destiny onto the Android market with the promise that their FPS Zombie game, Welcome to Hell, would be follow shortly. Well it is now available on the Android market for you to grab and get your zombie killing fix. This is a full 3D FPS game using the ShiVa 3D engine as well just like their previous game.


HTML5 Gaming and Android

With Google announcing full HTML5 support for future Android builds during Google I/O comes another type of gaming possible and that it browser-based HTML5/javascript gaming. In fact you can already check out some examples if you have Android 2.1 or higher. I recently checked out Akihabara but chose not to write about it just yet due to not getting it fully working.


Editorial: Motoblur Issue

It’s a damn shame. I have the overwhelming feeling I’m being left behind, and there’s not a thing I can do about it. And it makes things hard, especially if I have to write game reviews. Android is growing, it’s growing fast, and with every update the games are getting more and more advanced and require so much more of the phone that it did in previous versions of the Android OS.


Glu Android Game Sale!

Glu Mobile just announced that they will be putting most of their games on sale for $0.99 for the entire Memorial Day Weekend. This is obviously not a huge post but it’s one definitely worth taking note of especially if you have been planning to purchase one of their games but haven’t just yet, this weekend would be the perfect time.