Category: Reviews


PerBlue double review – A look at Parallel Mafia and Parallel Kingdom

A few weeks back, a new game came out called Parallel Mafia. It was a new game from the same company, PerBlue, which produced Parallel Kingdom. Both of the parallel games are location-based RPG games. I have heard a lot of good things about Parallel Kingdom but had not played it so I decided to give the new game a try. It has taken me a while to write this review, because I have been busy playing both games!


Shooting demons and playing in hell – The DoomGLES Review

Let’s be honest, Doom isn’t just a legend amongst players nowadays, It’s more of a lifestyle. It defined the term FPS back in the 90’s, and keeps being played to this very day. Now, if you used to think “oh, it just looks so damn pixelated and I’d rather get one of those awesome-looking games on my tablet”, you better start getting those bucks out of your pocket, since this OpenGLES port of Doom, Doom II, Ultimate Doom (and virtually any IWAD out there) will surely get you back to some martians-ass-kicking.


Run, Run, Run and more Running… The Temple Run Review

Temple Run was originally a paid game released onto the iOS platform and as a paid game saw minimal success. The developers, Imangi Studios, decided to change their business model to free-to-play and saw a huge surge in popularity making the game a hit. After a fairly long delay Temple Run has finally made it onto Android and after all the hype this game has gotten, does it live up to the hype? Let’s find out.