Tag: 2D


Wave Wave Review: The Pain, The Glorious Pain!

While I normally write much longer format reviews Wave Wave is a game that you’ll either throw aside in frustration within the first few minutes (perhaps seconds for some) or you’ll be hopelessly hooked on it with a fierce passion. Much like Super Hexagon, Super Meat Boy, or other titles designed for the masochistic perfectionist gamers (like me) out there, Wave Wave is simple as can be to control and understand.


Weekend Play: The Tower: A Simple and Elegant Stacking Game

Just because the week is over doesn’t mean there aren’t great games to be discovered. If you are in a rush and only have a few moments to get some gaming in this weekend, you should try a game called The Tower. The game was created by AYA Games and is currently published by Ketchapp Mobile Game Studio based in Italy. The premise of the game is uncomplicated. Build your tower by stacking the moving pieces on top of one another. The game is entertaining and remarkably elegant, because of the level of detail put into the game and its crisp and clean graphics.


[Updated] Neverending Nightmares, a horror game about mental illness, up on Kickstarter. Coming to Ouya and possibly tablets

You may see a few articles floating around other websites right now about a developer who suffered a rather big defeat with one of his other games, called Retro/Grade, but is taking another stab at it with a new psychological horror game called Neverending Nightmares. Currently up on Kickstarter for additional funding as well as Steam Greenlight for voting, Neverending Nightmare is partly based on Retro/Grade creator Matt Gilgenbach’s own experience in dealing with mental health and the dark place he was after Retro/Grade.


Democratizing an Industry — Unity Technologies and the Future of Game Development: An Interview with David Helgason

The Unity Engine is everywhere! Powering a surprising number of titles across a wide breadth of genres and platforms, chances are that if you play video games, you’ve experienced a title that is built with Unity. But you don’t have to take my word for it, because David Helgason, CEO and co-founder of Unity Technologies, will happily tell you so himself.