Tag: 3D


Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm Could Find Itself on the Shores of Android Devices

In what looks to be one of the most amazing jumps in the quality of a sequel, Developers Cornfox & Bros.’ Oceanhorn: Knights of the Lost Realm is improving on the original game on every level possible.  It features a new protagonist in a different time period, a new perspective (moving from top-down, to 3rd person), a new engine (the tried and true Unreal Engine 4!), and even new features that will make this action RPG even better than the first.

Reviews 1

Space Marshals 2 Review: a dual stick shooter that’s even better than the first

Released by Pixelbite, space Marshals 2 is the sequel to the original game. To check out our review of the first one, click here. To be quite upfront, both of these games are very well-made. And there are things that have been improved upon with the sequel, while managing to not take a step back anywhere. It’s rare that you see only Improvement in a sequel, without something unintentionally offsetting that.


[Update: Release Date] Red Barton and The Sky Pirates is set to clear the air on Steam and Mobile Devices in Early 2017

Red Barton and The Sky Pirates is an upcoming 3rd person shooter that hearkens back to the days of OutRun, and AfterBurner, with a story mode a la Star Fox (the N64 classic). The player takes on the role of Red Barton, a pilot of a WWI era fighter airplane fighting his way through waves of enemies, on a mission to save his love and restore his honor.


Touch by Touch is all about matching blocks and killing monsters

DollSoft has released their new game onto Android called Touch by Touch, which is an arcade puzzler of sorts. Players will be presented with a play area where certain blocks will show up as specific colors. Once you see a line of the same colored blocks, you will need to connect all of them to attack your opponent. However, you will need to connect them in the order that they showed up.


Hunt, fight, and upgrade your skills in The Wolf, now available from Google Play

Released by Swift Apps LTD, The Wolf is an online simulator that’s been released on to Android. In this game, players will assume the eponymous role of a wolf, and work their way through the open world. At the game’s opening, players will be able to both select which subspecies they’d like to appear as, and also customize the stats and skills of said wolf that they plan to use, which includes Health, Defense, Attack, and Speed for its Attributes, and a trio of skill trees that cover the following categories: Basic (pumps to attack, health regen, etc), Aura (boosts to attack and crit, as well as regen after death), and Special (icy spikes, venemous skin, and so on).