Tag: 3D


Deer Hunter 3D by Glu Mobile now available!

Glu Mobile has been doing some serious damage on the Android Market lately but in a good way though. First the release of Transformers G1 followed by Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock. Today they just released yet another great game called Deer Hunter 3D which, by the title, I’m sure you can guess what type of game this is.


Zombie Defense – Tower defense game with Zombies

We always try to find unique and interesting games to talk about and when it comes to Tower Defense games developers are always trying to come up with new ways to enhance the same enjoyment a large amount of us find in this sort of genre. Meet Zombie Defense by Dromedary LLC which is a neat 3D-ish tower defense game with zombies!


Quick News: Android Game Releases, Updates and More

From time to time when there is a lot of news but a lot of it isn’t long enough to post you’ll see something like this article. This will let you know of things such as updates to games, re-releases of games and any other Android gaming news. Sometimes there will be a lot and others not so much but it’ll be quick and to the point and humorous sometimes.


Pocket Legends 3D MMORPG coming to Android

The world of RPGs and MMORPGs for Android continues to grow and while still a bit thin on choices the quality of those choices tends to be high that you can overlook the lack of selection available. Add another one to the growing list of future MMORPGs for Android as Spacetime Studios is bringing their 3D MMORPG, Pocket Legends, to Android.