Tag: adventure games


Nvidia puts a large amount of games on sale up to 80% off for the holidays

Nvidia, the gaming hardware company, features games that run well on their hardware, and sometimes exclusively so. Like many other companies, they’re offering deep discounts on many of these games. Some of them are native to Android, while others must be steamed using their subscription service called GeForce Now. And do make note of the fact that any games purchased through GeForce Now also comes with a redemption code from either Steam or GOG, so the games can still be enjoyed offline, and independently of the streaming service, albeit on a PC.


The Party (Guest List) Never Stops in Los XV de Rubí, out now on Android

Mexican teenager Rubí Ibarra Garcia has quite the problem on her hands. You see, a few weeks ago her father posted a video on his Facebook page inviting “everyone” to his daughter’s fifteenth birthday party. A few hours after it was posted, the video was shared on the region’s official Facebook page, where a few internet pranksters picked up on it, decided that the word everyone literally meant everyone, and proceeded to spread it across social media.


Treasure Hunter Review: Unearth Great Re-Playability in this Card Drafting Game from Richard Garfield

Richard Garfield’s Treasure Hunter is a drafting card game from Queen Digitals. Having played Magic the Gathering for 15+ years and enjoying drafting games, I ventured into Treasure Hunter with high expectations. Game-play consists of drafting cards for the purpose of winning either the maximum or min treasure for each of the three areas or to attack the goblins at the end of each round. After 5 rounds of play, scores are tallied and the game ends. I had a few problems with game-play.


Pokescout: A Way to Monitor the 3 Pokemon Teams in Pokemon GO

Since its release Pokemon Go wasn’t just about going out trying to catch all the little creatures of our childhood. It asked us to make, as always, our first important choice: our team! After that the war began, rivalries took over the net, and in the streets with the aim of making all the gyms in our city belonging to our team. However, this has never been an easy task. First of all, because of the great number of players trying to do the same under a different color, but also because the little field of view available in the app didn’t allow us to see much further from our position.