Tag: android dice games


Dice Wars Online Beta

While keeping in the spirit of all things dice related, there is another new game available on the Android market. Dice Wars Online, developed by Eingrad, is a MMO Risk style game using dice. With up to 5 players on a map, your goal is to conquer the entire map just like in Risk, using dice as your weapons and troops. You can also level yourself up to Level 50.


Cow Craps Dice Game

Most people have played the pig dice game or a variant of it. Well now you can play it on your Android phone with a game called Cow Craps, developed by WB Games. In Cow Craps you roll your two cow ‘dice’ and depending on how they land you gain points and the first to 100 points or over wins. This game also features the ability to play against another person.


Bluff Dice Drinking Game

So far I haven’t really seen a drinking game available for Android that has actually peaked my interest enough to download it and play. However a game called Bluff Dice caught my eye and after downloading it and playing, it’s actually fairly entertaining. Bluff Dice, developed by Net Mobile AG, is sort of a cross between poker style bluffing and Yatzee.