Tag: Android


Remote Auction House for W.O.W

I thought hard for a moment as to whether or not I was going to post about this new application. While it does pertain to gaming and Android, it isn’t exactly gaming ON Android which is usually what we try to stick to. Blizzard just released their Remote Auction House application for Android devices which allows you to view, bid and more on auctions houses your characters access.


Atomic Puzzle Game

One of our followers on Twitter commented on how we need an educational time waster. Well there is a new game out on the market called Atomic, developed by Bad Pixel, in which you have to reconstruct molecules that have their parts scattered around the playing field. While learning the parts of molecules and how they are built, you also have some tricky puzzles to solve.


Falling Ball

In the pursuit of finding more games with the ability to just pick up and play more as a quick time kill than anything else I stumbled onto Falling Ball, developed by Reverie Game. Falling Ball is a game where you control a stickman via the accelerometer and dodge bouncing balls. As the game progresses, more balls come into play with different bouncing patterns.


Bistro Cook

Here is another addictive little time killer called Bistro Cook, developed by Quasar Studios. While not an overly complicated game to play, it’s actually fairly addictive once you start getting into it. In this game your goal is to cook and fill orders as fast as you can but also making sure you don’t burn them in the process which is easier said then done.


Pitman for Android

Pitman, released by Alawar Entertainment, is a gem miner style game where you control a mining/harvester machine to dig around every stage and collect as much of the gems and gold you find without dieing. While the concept is nothing new for the most part, the execution is fairly well done with original graphics and sounds throughout the game.


Bluff Dice Drinking Game

So far I haven’t really seen a drinking game available for Android that has actually peaked my interest enough to download it and play. However a game called Bluff Dice caught my eye and after downloading it and playing, it’s actually fairly entertaining. Bluff Dice, developed by Net Mobile AG, is sort of a cross between poker style bluffing and Yatzee.

html5-gaming android

HTML5 Gaming and Android

With Google announcing full HTML5 support for future Android builds during Google I/O comes another type of gaming possible and that it browser-based HTML5/javascript gaming. In fact you can already check out some examples if you have Android 2.1 or higher. I recently checked out Akihabara but chose not to write about it just yet due to not getting it fully working.


Editorial: Motoblur Issue

It’s a damn shame. I have the overwhelming feeling I’m being left behind, and there’s not a thing I can do about it. And it makes things hard, especially if I have to write game reviews. Android is growing, it’s growing fast, and with every update the games are getting more and more advanced and require so much more of the phone that it did in previous versions of the Android OS.


Glu Android Game Sale!

Glu Mobile just announced that they will be putting most of their games on sale for $0.99 for the entire Memorial Day Weekend. This is obviously not a huge post but it’s one definitely worth taking note of especially if you have been planning to purchase one of their games but haven’t just yet, this weekend would be the perfect time.