Tag: Bandai Namco


Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle begins The Super Warrior of Destruction boss event and giveaway today

Bandai Namco’s Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle has begun hosting a new in-game boss event called The Super Warrior of Destruction for players to partake in as well as a giveaway surrounding the event. Like most in-game events, this one is only for a limited period of time where players will be going up against the super-strong Broly enemy and new event maps to battle across.


Humble Mobile Bundle is ‘Pac’ked full of Bandai Namco mobile games and is now live

Well, it looks like the Humble Mobile Bundle may be back after a short absence. If you weren’t aware, Humble Bundle did away with the mobile bundles and were going to add mobile games to their regular bundles. Unfortunately that never full came to life as all the bundles after that announcement happened had no mobile games in them. Whether this new bundle is the permanent return of the mobile bundles or not remains to be seen, but this one is themed around Bandai Namco titles.