Tag: Battery Powered Games


AGC1 Top40 Qualifiers!

Well it’s been a long road to this point with the first ever Android Gaming Challenge and the competition has been fierce! Some of the scores were off the charts with the top score being a ridiculous 64 million+ points! Now the fun really begins as the ladder gets set up and the process of elimination begins! It won’t be much longer now for a Champion to rise up!


Deadly Chambers Beta!

The folks over at Battery Powered Games quietly released a 3D OTS (over-the-shoulder) shooter game called Deadly Chambers last night in beta form for public testing. This game supports only OpenGL ES 2.0 and comes complete with multitouch. If you buy the game now, you’ll get the full version for a reduced price to help with beta testing!


Antigen Action/Puzzle Game

It has been over 6 months since we have seen a release from Battery Powered Games who have developed games such as Light Racer 3-D, Light Racer Elite and Wixel. However, during those 6 months they have been pretty busy developing their new game called Antigen which features OpenGL hardware acceleration, full music and sounds, and multitouch.