Tag: Cliffhanger productions


[Updated] Aerena – Clash of Champions goes live with Alpha access available through Google Play

Last week we talked about a rather cool looking turn-based combat game called Aerena – Clash of Champions by Cliffhanger Productions. This is one of those games we’ve been talking about lately that will be arriving with cross-platform support between mobile and PC gamers, being available through Steam for PC, Mac and Linux users while also being launched on iOS and Android for the mobile gamer to enjoy.


Tactical turn-based combat game on Steam called Aerena – Clash of Champions coming to Android in the future

Another game on Steam has announced some additional platforms that it will be available on in the future after its release on Steam. Developed by Cliffhanger Productions, Aerena – Clash of Champions and is a tactical turn-based combat strategy game which will feature cross-platform multiplayer. This is the second game this week that we have reported on that will feature this kind of cross-platform support.