Tag: closed beta


[UPDATE: Game Released] Hands-on with the upcoming hack n’ slash RPG Angel Stone

On the weekend that just passed, the Action-RPG title that’s currently in development for mobile devices called Angel Stone went into a short closed beta period. If you managed to sign up for it, then there was a good chance you ended up being able to play the game. The closed beta period only lasted three days (Friday-Sunday) so people participating in it had to stuff as much gameplay time into it that they could in those three days.


Spacetime Studios’ upcoming MOBA Call of Champions starts closed beta access and gets a new trailer

Having been in a very limited Alpha testing phase for the past month or so, Spacetime Studios has announced today that they will begin letting a selection of gamers who sign up entry into the first closed beta for their upcoming MOBA game Call of Champions. We have been covering the development of this game since it was announced earlier this year and it has progressed nicely so far.


Epic Survival RPG, Crashlands, gets its first trailer to check out

The venerable survival genre is nearly as old as gaming itself, dating back at least to Oregon Trail and survival modes in tower defense games. For a substantial period of time, Japanese survival horror games nearly became synonymous with the entirety of the genre. These days, fleeing from monsters still dominates the genre thanks to games such as Left 4 Dead, Day Z and Slender Man.


Closed beta for the upcoming Action-RPG Angel Stone begins at midnight tonight

One of the games we are all looking forward to getting our hands on is the cross-platform hack n’ slash RPG Angel Stone. We’ve been following its development since it was announced a few months ago and it still looks impressive both visually and in terms of gameplay. Over the past couple of weeks, closed beta sign-ups have been available for Angel Stone, with spots being in a limited amount.


Impressive looking upcoming Hack ‘n Slash RPG Angel Stone now has closed beta sign-ups live

Back in the beginning of March 2015 we reported on a new cross-platform Hack ‘n Slash RPG that would be heading our way soon called Angel Stone. This is one of those games that we are really looking forward to playing, sort of like how we were really anticipating the release of Implosion. Of course this is all based off of the initial footage we watched of Angel Stone’s gameplay. However, with a little luck, you could end up playing Angel Stone before it launches now that beta sign-ups are now live.