Tag: droid game news


Hyper Jump by Camel Games

Camel Games, developer of some of the best physics games for Android devices, has just released another great game called Hyper Jump. As with all Camel Games, this is sure to be warmly welcomed by the Android gaming community. In Hyper Jump your mission is to collect coins and power ups while dodging monsters to get as high of a score as you can.

Reviews 1

Zum-Zum Review

Herocraft has long been a publisher of games for Android ranging across multiple genres. Zum-Zum is an Android take on a popular motif. Reminiscent of the Bon-Bon and Luxor games, the goal is to group together strings of colored balls to defeat wave after wave of enemies. Here is our review of this title from Herocraft.


The Final Battle

In the spirit of all things RPG there are many different types to play. You have your more interactive RPGs like Zenonia and Crusade of Destiny, you have your MUD/Rouge style RPGs like NetHack and NetHak. There are also the word RPG games which is like reading a novel. Last you have the point and click type of RPG such as Mystique and this game, The Final battle.


Skies Of Glory Released!

During Google I/O 2010 a game called Skies of Glory was shown running on a Droid. Since then we have also reported on Social Gaming Network, SGN for short, who developed Skies of Glory. Well this 3D aerial combat game is now available on the Android market and features cross-platform multiplayer which will allow you to dogfight and kill your iPhone enemies!


IGN Does Android – Finally

We here at DroidGamers have be proud to be at the forefront when it comes to all things relating to games and gaming on the Android platform. Along with a couple of other sites who cater to mobile gaming across all platforms, there hasn’t been much mainstream coverage of Android games or gaming for that matter. That seems to be changing though as IGN Wireless gets on board.


Pets Live by Storm8

Storm8 has developed some of the most popular MMORPG (browser style) for the iPhone and Android. After releasing almost every title they have for the iPhone onto the Android market, they have finally released their newest addition to their Android lineup, Pets Live. This game is your MMORPG version of Pokemon where you will find pets, train them, battle and show them off.


Hero – Old School RPG

There are a few old school RPG style games available for Android that really embrace the old school style of graphics and gameplay. Hero, developed by Skyoung09, is one of those games which has the old 8-bit graphics and animations. In this game you have to make your way through the tower to save the princess, get treasure and kill monsters.


So You’ve Made A Game!

So you have decided to take the plunge and port/develop a game for Android. This is you big popular game from iPhone/iPad/iTouch/BlackBerry/Whatever and you are ready to release it to the masses on Android. No bugs? Check! Support for all screens? Check! Android market account? Check! Now what? Got it on the Android market but that only reaches a certain amount of people.


Galaxy NGC3D

And-Creations is a new player when it comes to games for the Android platform and having just released their first title, Galaxy NGC3D, show that they have a potential in becoming a serious player when it comes to 3D games. While still only available in a Lite/Beta version, Galaxy NGC3D feels similar to the old Star Fox games from back in the day with 3D graphic style and controls.


Gem Laser

Gem Laser, developed by Arturo Gutierrez, is one of those reflection type puzzle games where you use items on each stage to reflect a laser that has to pass through all the items on a stage, in this case gems. While there are not a whole lot of them on the Android market, Gem Laser seems to stand out from the rest thanks to much nicer graphics and gameplay.