Tag: droidgamers


The winners of the Halloween Giveaway for the Nexus 7 tablets are…

On Halloween we started up a nice little giveaway where two people would win one of the two Nexus 7 16GB Tegra 3 Android tablets we were giving away. The two tablets, which were donated by nVidia (say thanks!), have had no owners and are all alone over at the nVidia offices. Today we are pleased to announce that this will be changing as we have selected the two winners for our Halloween Giveaway!


DroidGamers: Games we’ve been playing this week 10/14- 10/20

Like a middle child, mobile games are constantly vying for our attention. Every week a new crop of games prop themselves on our desk and demands to be played. So we humbly present “Game’s We’re Playing This Week”, a weekly reflection on outstanding games that deserves longer than your average bathroom romp. Every week members of our staff will sift through the best Android games, new or old, basically any games they’ve been playing relentlessly throughout the week.


DroidGamers: Android games we are playing this week 5/6- 5/12

Like a middle child, mobile games are constantly vying for our attention. Every week there is a new shipment of mobile games propping themselves on our desks and demands to be played. While we do have dedicated reviewers, sometimes the games can be just as engaging as reviewing your W-2 forms. With the tsunami of new games every week we find our selves repeatedly drowning at the staggering amount of games.