Tag: Game developers


Amazon recommends code obfuscation to prevent cloned apps and games

Copycat apps is one of the biggest annoyances in mobile gaming. When one particular kind of app finds great success, some developers choose to piggyback on the popular app instead of trying to create something new and exciting. In some cases, developers take code from existing apps and reverse engineer them to their liking. To combat this, Amazon recommends developers obfuscate their code.


Apptopia lets developers auction off their apps and games to new owners

It’s every developer’s dream to make a fortune off their apps, but the reality is only a small percentage of apps make enough money to send a developer into an early retirement. Sometimes apps literally become more trouble than they’re work. Instead of remaining the captain of a sinking ship, developers can choose to sell their app in its entirety on a newly-opened site called Apptopia.