Tag: game trailer


Perfect World Entertainment launches their first mobile game called Elemental Kingdoms

Perfect World Entertainment has been a mainstay in the free-to-play MMO scene on PC for some time now but the company announced yesterday that they are planning to jump into the console scene too which is rather cool. However, what they didn’t mention is that that would be jumping into mobile gaming as well and have released their first games onto Android called Elemental Kingdoms.


Hero Siege is a hack n’ slash game with roguelike elements and lots of blood

For some reason this holiday season we are getting plenty of game releases that have a ton of blood in them. Not that its a bad thing but it is pretty humorous to think about considering this is Christmas after all. Hero Siege is a new hack n’ slash game with a lot of roguelike elements to it that also has a ton of blood being splattered all over the place when you kill someone.