Tag: Game trailers


New Anomaly 2 launch trailer and pricing information released, still labeled as coming soon

One game a lot of people are waiting for is 11 Bit Studios’ upcoming Anomaly 2 tower offense game. Featuring some impressive visuals, lots of single players content and multiplayer game modes as well, Anomaly 2 is a very entertaining and polished game heading our way soon. Since the game just landed on iOS the other day, and the Android version will be arriving shortly, 11 Bit Studios has released the official launch trailer as well as pricing information for this game.


The classic Amiga game Rocket Ranger arrives so you can be a secret agent who flies around

A classic Amiga game has made its way onto Android today called Rocket Ranger. Developed by Cinemaware, Rocket Ranger takes the old school classic and brings it over to our mobile devices with controls designed for gameplay while on the go. You’ll be playing as the hero of this game who happens to be a brave soul that’s strapped a rocket pack onto his back and flies around fighting bad guys.