Tag: Gamevil

News 1

Gamevil launches a choose your own adventure brawler called Asura Cross

Gamevil has just released a new game onto Google Play called Asura Cross which is their take on the whole Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat genre. The rather interesting thing about this game is that when you are playing in Story Mode, you will be choosing how your character’s story unfolds instead of having a preset storyline to follow like you have in games like Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat.


Zenonia 5 Review: Pretty cute, but pretty challenging as well

I’m not a huge fan of Anime-inspired games, unless they are of a very particular strain. Basically I’ll know a good Anime when I see one, but I can’t really explain the type I’d like. Zenonia 5 is uber cute, filled with massive explosions and weapons, packed with cute but deadly monsters and pretty much what you might expect from a freemium Anime shoot-em-up for Android. I found it semi-delightful until the game would punish me for seemingly no reason.