Tag: Hearthstone


Blizzard begins teasing a fourth game mode for Hearthstone, but what is it?

Blizzard have been busy little bees lately it seems when it comes to teasing new features and making people think changes are approaching. First there was the whole rumor about another expansion on the way after Blizzard changed their cover image on Facebook. That got everybody thinking that a new Pirate and Ninja themed expansion was on the way. This particular rumor has yet to be confirmed or disproved, although from some comments left in our original article on this rumor, itis more than likely not true. Still… you never know right?


Pro Hearthstone Players Share Their Strategies in a New Video

Since it originally launched on PC and Mac back in March of last year, Blizzard’s fantasy-themed digital collectible card game, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, has amassed a rather large community of players around the world that encompasses everyone from casual players to professional gamers competing in large tournaments for real cash prizes. The game is also continuing to reach new audiences now that it has hit new platforms including Android tablets like the NVIDIA Shield at first, before finally being updated to include Android phones as well.


Is Blizzard teasing another expansion for Hearthstone? It appears like they are.

Blizzard has only released one real expansion for Hearthstone since the game’s release, which was the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion. While adventure updates do include new cards, there is only a small amount added to the game and so they do expand what is available card-wise in Hearthstone, it isn’t like a full expansion such as Goblins vs Gnomes which added 150+ cards. It appears that Blizzard may be teasing yet another expansion for Hearthstone, this time themed with pirates and ninjas.


[Updated] April Fools Day List Part 2: Hearthstone version Changelog, Pac-Man in Ingress, elgooG, Google Smartboxes and more

Yesterday we began rounding up the April Fools Day jokes and pranks we came across. Even though for us April Fools Day didn’t start until today, depending on where you live in the world April Fools Day was yesterday for you, hence the Google Japan jokes and Samsung getting in on the action as well. However, now it is April Fools Days for us and there are plenty of jokes and pranks going on already. We will just be keeping a running list of the funnier ones we see.