Tag: MMO


Cross-platform MMORPG AdventureQuest 3D arrives in open beta form for mobile

AdventureQuest as a franchise has been around for awhile now, even having a few spin-off mini-games made from it. The more popular version of this game comes in the form of an online flash game simply called AdventureQuest that came with more of a 2D style of visuals. Now that is getting remade with 3D visuals and other improvements, along with a mobile version as well called AdventureQuest 3D.


Here’s a sneak peek at three games coming to mobile soon from InnoGames

Our friends over at InnoGames have sent us some goodies to check out. It is actually a sneak peek at three games the company is working on for mobile devices. If you’re not familiar with InnoGames, they started off making browser-based MMO games such as Tribal Wars, but have expanded their catalog of games in the past couple of years to include mobile versions of Tribal Wars, Tribal Wars 2, Grepolis, and Forge of Empires.

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[TGS2016] Perfect World shows off a mobile version of their original MMORPG called Perfect World International

Perfect World, the company that is, has been around for a fair amount of time, having focused mainly on PC-based MMORPGs and other types of PC games. One of their older titles happens to basically be named after the company called Perfect World, but when it was released to the rest of the world, the name changed to Perfect World International. After 8 years or so of being on PC, Perfect World International now has a mobile version in the works which was shown off at the Tokyo Game Show 2016.


Android Game Sale Round-Up: Limbo, WipeOut, King of Fighters, Kairosoft Games and more

Welcome to this week’s round-up of Android games that happen to be on sale right now. This particular week’s list is actually quite big, with a number of developers putting more than one game on sale. Inkle has put all three Sorcery! games on sale to celebrate the upcoming release of Sorcery! 4, and Rockstar Games still has a few Grand Theft Auto titles on sale along with Max Payne.


Madfinger Games releases the first gameplay trailer for their upcoming Shadowgun Legends game

During the now concluded Gamescom 2016 show Madfinger Games revealed what their next title would be, which is a Destiny-style game called Shadowgun Legends. While we already have a fair amount of details revealed about this game, the only gameplay we have seen has been that short clip in the video leaked out the other week. Well now we have a bit more of an official look at the gameplay for Shadowgun Legends.


[Gamescom 2016] Madfinger reveals Shadowgun Legends, their upcoming Destiny-style MMORPG FPS title for mobile. Original Shadowgun goes on sale to celebrate.

Remember the other week when we published a video regarding leaked video footage of a Destiny-style game on a tablet? Well we finally get to tell you what game that is, and all about it, and we have even had some hands-on time with a very early build back during GDC 2016. So what game is this? It is called Shadowgun Legends, and it isn’t just a Destiny-style game, it is actually an MMORPG FPS title for mobile devices.


XL Games and Gamevil’s upcoming mobile version of ArcheAge is almost ready for launch

Almost 2 years ago we reported on a partnership between XL Games and Gamevil, which was supposed to result in a mobile version of ArcheAge arriving at some point in the future. For whatever reason, after the initial announcement nothing else really ever came to light about this mobile version. Well it looks like XL Games has been working on this and it is actually close to release.