Tag: mobage


Looking for another TCG to play? How about one with Samurai Cats?

A rather big company named Marvel released a TCG title yesterday called Marvel War of Heroes, but if that isn’t your type of thing then perhaps cats are instead. They are not normal cats though, they are Samurai Cats. Released onto the Mobage social gaming platform, Samurai Cats is as it sounds, a TCG title filled with cats wielding swords and attacking enemies, in TCG gaming format of course. However, you can for groups and formations with your cards, almost like a strategy board game.


Marvel announces a new game called Marvel: War of Heroes, coming this October

Another Marvel Universe based game is on the horizon and this time it will be coming in the form of a TCG called Marvel: War of Heroes. As of right now there isn’t a whole lot of information regarding this upcoming Marvel title but we do know a few key points about it. First, we know that this TCG will be coming integrated with DeNA’s social gaming platform (Mobage) which means this will also be a free-to-play title.


Monster Hunter: Massive Hunting and Ninja Gaiden arriving on Android… in Japan for now

If you happen to live in Japan and are into mobile gaming then you have some great news regarding some upcoming games. Capcom’s popular Monster Hunter series is getting a new addition called Monster Hunter: Massive Hunting which will be arriving on iOS and Android this year. In addition to that, Tecmo Koei will be dropping Ninja Gaiden for One Million People (roughly translated from Japanese) onto both platforms as well, both of with will be integrated onto GREE’s social gaming platform Mobage.