Tag: Ouya


Hawken will be released onto Steam this month but where is the Ouya version?

When the Ouya was announced many many moons ago, one game that was supposed to be one of the headlining titles for the Android-powered game console was Hawken, the mech-filled combat MMOFPS game that many of us would actually like to play. With the new announcement of Hawken being released onto Steam this month, it begs the question as to where the Ouya version of this game is and if we will ever actually see it.


Soul Fjord Review: An arcade fighting game with style and the music to match

Soul Fjord is a rare type of game. It’s ambitious, it possesses a strong, defining sense of style, place and time. It’s marriage of 1970’s Funk and Norse Mythology feels completely natural. It’s one of the rare instances of a game that attempts of a Tarantino-esque mash-up of style and genre, and under the leadership of Kim Swift, Soul Fjord pulls this off deftly.