Tag: rhythm


ArtofBytes’ crazy Stereo Ride, a rhythm-base tunnel racing style game is definitely unique

We get to talk about a lot of hybrid games, as we like to call them anyways, where developers take two or more of the traditional game genres and mesh them together to create something unique and different. Usually this turns out pretty decently and there is never an end to the surprise of genres developers are willing to blend together. Stereo Ride by ArtofBytes and Moarbile Games is one of those surprises that has somehow flown under the radar as it has been out for a little while now.


Crescent Moon Games launch their new rhythm-based title Zen Training

Back near the end of February we talked about a new rhythm-based game that the folks over at Crescent Moon Games were getting ready to publish called Zen Training. As you probably already know about Crescent Moon Games, they don’t publish anything unless it is a good quality game which usually is also pretty unique. Zen Training falls right into that category as it is a bit of a different type of rhythm-based game.