Tag: rpg games


Lands of Hope MMORPG now playable on Android

As I mentioned in the World of Dragons article about browser-based MMORPGs jumping into the mobile arena as one of the next trends, today an announcement was made that indeed another has made it’s way to mobile. While not the graphically pretty kind it is a great old school RPG game, called Lands of Hope, which you can now play via your Android browser.


World Of Dragons MMORPG coming to Android

World of Dragons is a browser based MMORPG that uses the FTP business model which is basically the same thing as Freemium. However this particular MMORPG has developed clients for mobile phones so users can play the game anywhere at anytime. It seems Android’s growth hasn’t been missed by the parent company, CorsairBrand, either as Android support is on its way.


New Beta Version of Runes MMORPG Available

We have been following an MMORPG for Android that has been in development for quite some time now. While it seems as though it will always be in beta a new version was just released and includes a huge amount of improvements and changes including the overall look. Even better still is that there are still available spots open for beta testers should you want to sign-up!


Project Angel RPG

Project Angel RPG was developed by Dreamwalker who has recently entered the Android arena. This is a classic style RPG game with old school graphics and turn-based gameplay. Based off their non-english version for other mobile devices, Project Angel has a wide range of items (over 100) and over 30 different skills you can discover as you progress through the game.


Pets Live by Storm8

Storm8 has developed some of the most popular MMORPG (browser style) for the iPhone and Android. After releasing almost every title they have for the iPhone onto the Android market, they have finally released their newest addition to their Android lineup, Pets Live. This game is your MMORPG version of Pokemon where you will find pets, train them, battle and show them off.


Hero – Old School RPG

There are a few old school RPG style games available for Android that really embrace the old school style of graphics and gameplay. Hero, developed by Skyoung09, is one of those games which has the old 8-bit graphics and animations. In this game you have to make your way through the tower to save the princess, get treasure and kill monsters.


Dweller RPG

When it comes to rogue-like RPG games, the selection right now is far and few between in terms of quality. Dweller, developed by BitFront, is one of the few exceptions to the rule. This is a new rogue-like RPG with some old school styled graphics that offers both saved static gameplay as well as dynamic (random level design) gameplay for your Android phone.


NetHack for Android

NetHack is a port from the old dungeon exploration game of the same name by Fredrik Franstrom. This is a rogue-like RPG game that is a step up from the old school MUD or Text based RPGs that used to be real popular. NetHack offers up a large RPG in a small file size thanks in part to the dungeon and everything in it being rendered using text symbols.



When we first started one of the very first stories we posted was about a game in beta phase called Runes. This is a 3D MMORPG for Android phones which features just about everything you would find in an MMORPG but designed for playing on your phone. Since then we’ve kept our eye on it watching it develop over time and recently Runes went into a Beta III phase.