Tag: rpg games


Vendetta Online for Android

In what could be the first true port of an online MMORPG, Vendetta Online is on it’s way to Android with a 100% port. Guild Software just announced that is plans to completely port their online space MMORPG to Android and plan to demo it at E3 this year. Vendetta offers RPG mixed with ‘Twitch’ gaming and PvP in a sci-fi atmosphere.

html5-gaming android

HTML5 Gaming and Android

With Google announcing full HTML5 support for future Android builds during Google I/O comes another type of gaming possible and that it browser-based HTML5/javascript gaming. In fact you can already check out some examples if you have Android 2.1 or higher. I recently checked out Akihabara but chose not to write about it just yet due to not getting it fully working.


Crusade of Destiny Released!

It’s been crazy over here at Droid Gamers with all the great games being released. One title we have been waiting for is Crusade of Destiny by Dvide Arts which is a full scale 3D RPG game for Android using the ShiVa 3D engine. Well the wait is over, it’s out and although we didn’t see it on the market until just now, Dvide Arts reported it’s release on May 24th.


Dungeon Hunter Review

First and foremost, I must say that this is the first 3D isometric RPG I have played on a little screen. I have played many 2D RPG’s and they play very well. With that said 3D isometric does not transition all that well in one glaring and very important area. But with that aside, if this is what we have to look forward to for Android gaming then I must say we are all in luck!


Caligo Chaser Free

Only a few days ago we talked about a new Hack N’ Slash RPG called Caligo Chaser by Com2Us. So far it’s received a large amount of positive feedback and ratings which is good to see. We were confident in that title being a popular one. Com2Us released today a Free version for you to try before you buy the full version.


World War Calculator

I know by posting this little tidbit of news that I’m just asking for an onslaught of people posting alliance codes in the comments but this utility will be widely used by just about every player of World War by Storm8. Developer Sebastien Le Ray has come up with a nifty little app that will surely make peoples lives a little less complicated when playing this game.


Virus Effect RPG Beta

Take 2 parts 2D graphics, 2 parts platform shooter, 1 part RPG, shake vigorously and pour into chilled glass, add 1 cherry and a slice of orange to finish it off and what do you get? Virus Effect by Corv Studios LLC. Virus Effect, if you haven’t guessed by now, is a platform shooter/RPG title offering a unique style of game play that has yet to be seen on Android.


Zenonia Free Now Available

So you’ve heard all the news about Zenonia by Gamevil, read the reviews, some guides and maybe even talked to a few people who have the game and still you are not totally sure whether or not you want to go buy it. Well now you can get some hands-on treatment with Zenonia thanks to Gamevil releasing a free version onto the Android market.


Game Giveaway Week Winners

All this week we will be giving away games and other prizes for our first contest! Today is the first day of prize winners and so far we have two winners already. This will be updated every day as winners are announced so keep checking back to this page to see if you’ve won and we will also announce winners of Twitter.


Indie Game: CastleGuard2

Indie game developer Dave Young just released his RPG title CastleGuard2 onto the Android market. This is a 3D RPG using the ShiVa 3D engine which continues to impress me with what developers are doing with it in regards to games for Android. I had previously thought that Dvide Arts would be the first company to release games using the ShiVa 3D engine but I was wrong.