Tag: shield


NVIDIA Shield 2 spied on FCC website

There are many speculations and no real confirmations on when the next generation NVIDIA Shield console is going to release. Since NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang hinted on the next iteration of the console late in 2013, the android gaming community has been cracking up with rumors on the said device’s release date. Earlier this week, 2 FCC filing diagrams from the company surfaced and one of those may just be the Shield 2. 


Borderlands 2 (PS Vita) VS Borderlands 2 PC Streaming (NVIDIA Shield)

Borderlands 2 has been available on the PS Vita for a week now (if you bought the Vita Slim bundle). While it may be the only handheld to run the game natively, it is not the only handheld Borderlands 2 can be played on. The NVIDIA Shield offers PC streaming of many games, and Borderlands 2 is one of them. I happen to be in a very small camp of people who own both systems and I’ve given both of them a try.


[Updated] Nvidia announces that Valve’s game Portal will be heading to the Shield soon

Yesterday Nvidia held their yearly press conference where they generally announce their new graphics cards for PC gaming and other goodies which does include some mobile related stuff as well. This year, aside from the ridiculous $3000 video card that was announced, Nvidia also let out that Valve’s game Portal will be coming to their portable gaming system the Shield.