Tag: star wars


New updates for three Angry Birds game now available. Angry Birds Star Wars II gets a new gameplay trailer.

Over the past few days Rovio has been busy pumping out the updates for almost all of their Angry Birds games. The company has released an update for Angry Birds, Angry Birds Space and Angry Birds Star Wars which brings new levels to all three games. Not bad considering Rovio is currently working on the rather large sequel to Angry Birds Stars Wars right now.


Angry Birds Star Wars II gets a new trailer featuring Ian McDiarmid

Back in July Rovio announced that they would be bringing a sequel to their Angry Birds Star Wars game to mobile. This new game, which will more than likely be the biggest Angry Birds games so far, will have 30 different characters involved and an entire line of toys the moment the game is released. The toys will be along the lines of the Skylander series which will use Hasbro’s Telepod technology and there will be one for each character in the game.