Tag: TellTale Games


TellTale Games will be releasing Tales from the Borderlands Episode 3 on June 23rd

Telltale Games has announced when the next episode in their Tales of the Borderlands series will be launching and it will be a few days after E3 2015 ends. Tales from the Borderlands Episode 3: Catch A Ride will be heading to all platforms on the same day, something that generally doesn’t happen with the company’s releases. Usually the release of an episode for their series’ are staggered, so PC/Mac get it one day, consoles get it the next day, and Android/iOS get it the next day after that, which is a Thursday as always.


Telltale Games releases screenshots for their Game of Thrones upcoming Episode 4 Sons of Winter

On Monday we reported on Telltale Games and the fact they had begun teasing the next episode for their Game of Thrones series called Sons of Winter. This will be episode 4 which means there will be two more episodes after this new one is released, and then the series will be done. When this new episode was revealed the other day, there was just a promo image to go by, but now we have some screenshots to check out.


Telltale Games releases a new teaser trailer for Game of Thrones Episode 3, coming this week to Android

Last week on Friday Telltale Games released a few screenshot to tease the masses regarding the next episode for Game of Thrones. Along with the screenshots, Telltale Games announced that they would be releasing a teaser trailer for Episode 3: The Sword in the Darkness on Monday, which is today. Sure enough, here it is along with a synopsis of what you can expect story-wise in this new episode.


Telltale Games shows off their upcoming Game of Thrones Episode 3 with some screenshots

A couple of days ago Telltale Games released a promotional image to begin teasing their next installment into the Game of Thrones series which is Episode 3: The Sword in the Darkness. However, the only thing they released was that singular promo image which, aside from the one dragon on it, didn’t show anything else. Today the company has released some screenshots for a much more better teasing of Episode 3.