Tag: Theme Hospital


Interview with BarleyStudios about Theme Hopsital, Permissions and CorsixTH

Recently we broke news that a port of Bullfrog ‘s classic Theme Hospital had hit the Google Play market, courtesy of Barley Studios. A commercial success on both PS1 and PC its passionate fan base has given it several attempts at trying to revitalize the game through various open source projects. One of these projects named CorsixTH has been somewhat successful at doing this and is almost complete. News recently broke again that Alan from Armed Pineapple has altered the code of CorsixTH and ported it to android himself.


Theme Hospital is available for free for Android devices, paid version violates MIT license

Yesterday we reported on the fact an unofficial port of Theme Hospital had arrived on Android from BarleyStudios. This version of Theme Hospital was available for download for $1.49 but as it turns out, the BarleyStudios version uses the same coding as the CorsixTH version and since BarleyStudios is charging for their port, it violates the MIT license regarding open source software.