Day: 15 July 2010


Pets Live by Storm8

Storm8 has developed some of the most popular MMORPG (browser style) for the iPhone and Android. After releasing almost every title they have for the iPhone onto the Android market, they have finally released their newest addition to their Android lineup, Pets Live. This game is your MMORPG version of Pokemon where you will find pets, train them, battle and show them off.


Hero – Old School RPG

There are a few old school RPG style games available for Android that really embrace the old school style of graphics and gameplay. Hero, developed by Skyoung09, is one of those games which has the old 8-bit graphics and animations. In this game you have to make your way through the tower to save the princess, get treasure and kill monsters.


So You’ve Made A Game!

So you have decided to take the plunge and port/develop a game for Android. This is you big popular game from iPhone/iPad/iTouch/BlackBerry/Whatever and you are ready to release it to the masses on Android. No bugs? Check! Support for all screens? Check! Android market account? Check! Now what? Got it on the Android market but that only reaches a certain amount of people.