
Upcoming TCG called Tridek: Creatures of Galena is a little bit different than your typical TCG

While there is no shortage of TCG (Trading Card Games) available for mobile platforms like Android, this also means that the format of these games doesn’t change a whole lot either, giving us a bit of a predictable style of gameplay regardless of what title we are playing from this genre. Tridek: Creatures of Galena is an upcoming card combat game that is aiming to change up the standard format of gameplay found in your typical TCG title.


BitBattle retro-style arcade combat game marches onto Google Play

It’s Monday, the first day after the July 4th weekend and while many people do take today off in order to give themselves an extra day to recover from the festivities they were a part of during the weekend, plenty of people are off back to work like normal. If you happen to be one of those people already back at work and happen to be grumpy about it, or possibly have some extra energy you need to ditch, you might want to check out BitBattle by Human Pride Games.


Noodlecake and Majic Jungle team up to bring The Blockheads to Android soon

Noodlecake Studios have been doing an excellent job bringing some of the more popular iOS games over to Android over the past while now and one of their next releases will be the ever popular Minecraft-inspired The Blockheads by Majic Jungle Software. This particular game is pretty interesting as it looks like a spin-off of Terraria but actually plays out a lot like Minecraft, especially when it comes to building things.


Monster Shooter 2: Back to Earth now available as a location-specific soft launch

A few days ago we brought everyone the first screenshots and trailer for Gamelion’s upcoming sequel to their rather popular dual-stick shooter called Monster Shooter. The sequel, named Monster Shooter 2: Back To Earth, will have you defending Earth from alien attacks instead of going after them yourself when they kidnapped your cat. Now the aliens are on the attack trying to get all the cats at once.


Tokyo Jungle confirmed to be heading to Playstation Mobile this month

The rather strange concept of what would happen if a city, say Tokyo, happen to suddenly be overrun with a jungle and the animals took the city back over landed on Playstation 3 not too long ago. It’s a game you’ll either love or absolutely hate, there really isn’t much of an in-between with this title. However, it’s popular enough that a mobile version is heading to Playstation Mobile in the very near future.


HyperDevBox announced their next game and it is Record of Agarest War

HyperDevBox, for those of you unfamiliar with this development company, make some pretty epic games not only with the game itself in terms of content and visuals but also in actual size, with the average game weighing in at over 1.5GB in size. While things have been a little quite from HyperDevBox, they have finally broken the silence and it shall be the Xbox/PS3 game Record of Agarest War.