
Humble Bundle 5 for Android coming this month?

It’s been a short while since we had our last Humble Bundle for Android go live and it seems like we could be getting the next one this month. According to some posts on the Steam forums, a poster with a rather ‘reliable source’ says that it would be coming this month. However, the post was done at the beginning of February and today is the beginning of March.

Reviews 2

Real Racing 3 Review: They key to enjoying the best sim racer on mobile is perseverance

The Real Racing series is undoubtedly one of the most popular original mobile game franchises. As such, there’s no surprise that many, many people have been eagerly awaiting for the latest entry into the series – Real Racing 3. In the run up to the game’s release, we’ve been discussing a lot about the type of freemium elements present in the game. But setting that aside, how good is Real Racing 3 really?


Epic Pirate Story to be released for free this March

Well its been almost one year since the Epic Devs LLC. set out on their enduring journey to create a new Pixel Art adventure game called Epic Pirate Story. They had a grand vision for a game where you would play a pirate and take to the high seas seen in cute Pixel Art fashion and they knew the  direction they wanted to take it. In the beginning the company started out with one coder and one pixel artist and started writing in Java while using the AndEngine to publish the game. After that they settled in to design and develop that vision.