
Square Enix extends the number of games they’re putting on sale in Google Play

After reporting earlier that Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions was listed with a sale price, it now appears like Square Enix has placed several other titles of their on sale. These are some great, classic game titles, and most of which are being sold for half of their regular price.

Here’s the list of games on sale, though we’re linking to Square’s complete listing on Google Play:

– Final Fantasy III
– Final Fantasy IV
– Final Fantasy V
– Final Fantasy VI
– Secret of Mana
– Dragon Quest VIII
– Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions (as mentioned earlier)

Except for Dragon Quest, all of the games state that they are on sale for a limited time, and state when the sale will end; one would assume that Dragon Quest’s price will also go back up soon, despite its lack of a specific date.

Google Play: Square Enix

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