
StarDash from OrangePixel coming Sept 22nd to Android

Back on September 7th we revealed OrangePixel’s upcoming retro platformer called StarDash which would be heading to Android. Well we now have an official release date for StarDash which is September 22nd for this GameBoy inspired title.

StarDash is OrangePixel’s answer to the question of how Nintendo’s games would look on an Android device, specifically GameBoy titles. You will be able to see the influence Mario Bros. had on StarDash and the overall game looks to be a fun adaptation of the action-platformer genre from back in the day of black, grey and weird brown colored portable games. Nintendo is too occupied in saving their ass over the 3DS and concentrating on their Wii U as well to worry about bringing their titles to mobile devices, Android or otherwise.


While keeping to the genre’s retro roots, OrangePixel has added in modern game features to StarDash such as unlockable special temple levels which you will need to find keys to get to them, achievements and three star rankings per level. StarDash comes with 40 levels which are broken up into groups of nine levels over the course of four worlds. Each world also has one hidden temple level as well to round the total up to 40 with more planned in future updates.

Fans of OrangePixel’s retro inspired games will really enjoy this one but anyone who is a fan of old school Nintendo games will want to give this new title a whirl when it drops onto the Android Market as well. We already have a full review in the works so expect that to go live shortly.

Developer Website: OrangePixel

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