Tag: Android RPG game


Virus Effect RPG Beta

Take 2 parts 2D graphics, 2 parts platform shooter, 1 part RPG, shake vigorously and pour into chilled glass, add 1 cherry and a slice of orange to finish it off and what do you get? Virus Effect by Corv Studios LLC. Virus Effect, if you haven’t guessed by now, is a platform shooter/RPG title offering a unique style of game play that has yet to be seen on Android.


Caligo Chaser RPG

A new RPG game landed on the Android market called Caligo Chaser, developed by Com2US, which features a more hack n’ slash style of game play and some really good graphics. The entire game features a huge amount of skill combinations, items, NPCs and much much more and is an great addition to the RPG genre for our Android devices.