Tag: LucasArt


Rescue the kidnapped young starlet in Flight of the Amazon Queen 20th Anniversary Edition, now available on Google Play

  A classic from two decades ago, Flight of the Amazon Queen is an adventure game that’s being re-released for its twentieth anniversary (originally released back in 1995). Set in the Amazon Jungle in 1949, players will assume the role of a pilot by the name of Joe King, who’s been tasked with getting a starlet into and out of said jungle.


Disney buys LucasFilm and hints at future mobile games

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 24 hours then you’ve probably already heard the news of Disney which bought LucasFilm for a silly amount of money before announcing that there would be a Star Wars Episode VII movie heading our way soon in 2015, with additional movies every two years or so until they really beat the franchise to death, more than it has been already. While the internet focuses on this fact, whether good or bad, Disney has also hinted at mobile games coming from their newly acquired franchise.