
Bethesda Pinball is now available, featuring Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and Doom

The varied environments of Bethesda’s hit video game worlds are back again for players to explore! Skyrim province, the Commonwealth Wasteland, and the UAC research facility on Mars are re-open for business in Bethesda Pinball, the latest standalone addition to Zen Studios’ popular pinball game lineup.

Taking a page from Bethesda’s main titles, Bethesda Pinball is more than just a straightforward pinball game. Each table takes the best features from its associated franchise and gives it a pinball makeover. For example, in the Fallout 4 table you can join factions and explore Vaults as you progress through the table, and search for hidden collectible Bobbleheads. Skyrim’s table lets you mine materials, craft weapons and armor, use magic, and even complete side quests! Doom’s table is much more straightforward: just kill all demons in sight. Each table features bonuses and upgrades to improve your skills as you progress through the table, a nod to the RPG leveling features from Fallout and The Elder Scrolls.

Bethesda Pinball features both single player and 3-minute asynchronous player-vs-player online gameplay. The game is free to download, with the following caveats: either pay for the tables upfront for unlimited access, or pay per play (like back in the arcade days) or watch ads before playing a new game. In-app purchases range from US $0.99-$19.99 per item.

Google Play: Bethesda Pinball


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