Day: 16 March 2010



I read about a game today called Ghostwire: Link to the Paranormal that EuroDroid talked about that’s coming to Android. As I don’t own a Nintendo DSi or anything like it, I hadn’t heard about the game until now but after taking a closer look at it, it looks like it could be really fun and possibly scary.


Wii Records

Not so much a game but a utility for gaming, Wii Records by Thiago Rosa is an app (posted in the gaming section) that allows you to submit your records to automatically. It records your records achieved and submits it to the site which has roughly 420 games so far with available records to be broken.


Droid Mini Golf

Wouldn’t you know it, I come back from taking a day off and find a whole bunch of good games released during my day off and Droid Mini Golf by Patchwork Games is one of those. It comes in three flavors: Free, Ad supported or Paid and if you get this game I highly suggest the paid version over the other two, it seems to be the best working one with much better game play and more features.