
Wednesday Afternoon Humor: Android robot and PopCap zombie dance-off at GamesCom

Remember last week we told you about a dance-off that would be happening today at GamesCom between the Android Robot and the PopCap zombie? Well the dance-off happened and while normally something like this would fit right into our ‘Awesomeness’ series, it ended up fitting into the ‘Humor’ series instead.

Perhaps our expectations were too great for an event like this. Perhaps we figured the magnitude of such an event would be much large than it was. Whatever the case may be, one thought does cross our minds: What the hell happened?

We do have some theories on this. Either the PopCap zombie sedated, heavily, the Android Robot before the dance-off or the zombie himself took some speed and watched Old School before coming to the dance-off. Perhaps it is both of those reasons that this event turned out as it did. One thing is for sure though, we didn’t expect it to turn out like it did. I will say the response of people who the zombie was harassing at around the 2:40 market was fairly entertaining. Enjoy the video.

Do we need to say what the zombie’s head looks like?

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