Tag: game-streaming


Borderlands 2 (PS Vita) VS Borderlands 2 PC Streaming (NVIDIA Shield)

Borderlands 2 has been available on the PS Vita for a week now (if you bought the Vita Slim bundle). While it may be the only handheld to run the game natively, it is not the only handheld Borderlands 2 can be played on. The NVIDIA Shield offers PC streaming of many games, and Borderlands 2 is one of them. I happen to be in a very small camp of people who own both systems and I’ve given both of them a try.


TwitchTV finally to bring game streaming to mobile, announces new SDK for developers

One thing that has been a pretty major pain in the ass is trying to live stream mobile games on services like TwitchTV. Generally you have to come up with your own solutions to get this to work and half the time it is generally too slow to run through an emulator or anything like that. Lag is another issue half the time. The advent of Android-powered micro-consoles has helped this a bit though.


The Adventures of OnLive: Buy-out company revealed, HTC to lose $40 million and other fun quests

While the title may seem a bit sarcastic, or humorous depending on your sense of humor, no doubt a lot of people have been following what has been going on with OnLive over the past few days since rumors began that the company would suddenly be closing its door to massive lay-offs and it being bought out. Since late Friday, after all the dust settled, we knew more about the situation and the impending buy-out of the game streaming service.